Monday, February 2, 2009

Using The Document Camera

Ok! I want to use it for a lesson but one of my students threw up on the bus and it took almost the entire morning to get it cleaned and trying to locate the mom. I will have to try it tomorrow

I have finally learn how to do Document Carmera

I now know how to use a document carmera. I cant wait until my students use it with me. I also learn how to to faming text

Working with people you don't know


I missed my Document camera training because I had teeth problems. I really want to attend because I am excited about gettting started. The good news is that I can attend another Document camera training with the folks in Chapel Forge. I hope they are nice.

Welcome to STEP Training


Hi Everybody,

I am so excited being involved with the S.T. E.P Program. I am working with a good team. I am ready to accept the challenge and to make my classroom using technology in a way that it will help my students learn. Technolgy is so important in education. This is the future